
Animal Themed Day

Today was a strange "animal" day for me. On the ride home from work I saw a small dead bird on the side of the road. I picked it up and apart from two stray feathers it looked fine. I was really sad, the bird was beautiful in a non gaudy way. And so soft! Thoughts in my mind were of what a shame it is that people are such a threat to birds that they must avoid us. I was going to put it to rest in bushes nearby but with all the garbage there and the noise of vehicles passing I couldn't do it. So I brought it with me and put it to rest in the remains of what used to be a tree close to the stream next to the RIT dormitory where I have cleared most of the garbage already.

When I stepped out of the woods from doing that, on the other side of the road on the stream was that turtle again! The same turtle that I had seen the last two days doing the same thing. Taking it easy and baking in the sun on the same drifting log. Today however it had a baby turtle for company. While this is happening a young beaver is gnawing away on a branch not 15 feet away, and in the corner of my eye I saw an otter or ferret scurrying away among the tall grass. As per usual after a few minutes the turtle would plop back into the water and swim away.

How did we ever get so far removed from things like this? What a treasure it is to see other animals live their lives. That reminds me.. Even insects can be fun. I remember a grasshopper attatched to a tree next to me. It was very well camoflauged, I only saw it because I was standing there for awhile. Then when I went to look at it closer, it just crawled sideways around the width of the tree. So I moved around too, and again it crawled around farther. I was essentially playing peek a boo with a grasshopper lol. I was really impressed because it knew I was there, and that I was specifcally looking at it, but it was refusing to fly away and yet it was making sure I didn't injure it or eat it etc. Just goes to show how much we underestimate animals.

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